Sunday, February 10, 2008

All about Leprosy

February 2008, DOH launches Leprosy Prevention & Control Week - February 25-29, 2008.

These are some facts and frequently asked questions about Leprosy.


  • Also known as Hansen’s disease.
  • Has been known since biblical times.
  • Is a chronic mildly infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, an acid fast and rod-shaped bacillus.
  • Mainly affects the skin, peripheral nerves, the eyes and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.
  • In many countries, people with leprosy have been outcast in their communities.
  • In history a Norwegian doctor named Gerhard Hansen is the discoverer of M. leprae bacillus in 1873.
  • Mode of transmission: airborne: inhalation of droplets from coughing or sneezing. Prolonged and close contact with infectious persons will likely increase the risk of transmission.
  • People with leprosy will manifest the first sign usually the appearance of patches on the skin, lesions that does not heal after several weeks to months and decreased sensation to touch, heat, or pain, decrease or loss of sweating and hair growth over the lesion, muscle weakness, pain and redness of the eyes, nasal obstruction.
  • Treatment is Multi-drug therapy. You just need to go to your nearest Barangay Health Centers for immediate treatment.

For more information just go to

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